Live Chat And Marketing Automation: The Best Way To Capture Qualified Lead Data

At this point, most businesses are familiar with the idea of marketing automation. It’s quickly becoming one of the most popular client acquisition strategies.

But, from the perspective of a small business owner, marketing automation can be a difficult process. This is especially true if you have no idea where to begin.

According to emailmonday, an estimated 49% of businesses today use some form of email automation.

So, why not give it a shot?

Let’s get right to the point by addressing some of the most pressing concerns businesses have:

What Makes Marketing Automation with Live Chat so Beneficial?

Many factors are involved to make marketing automation with Live Chat an excellent approach in today’s world. In this article, we’ll look at some of the benefits of combining these two that can add value to your business, and the key steps in the automation process.

  1. Focus on the Core of Your Business

Marketing automation saves you time and effort that would otherwise be spent on tedious and repetitive operations. If you use marketing automation with customer service tools such as Live Chat, your team can focus more on the development of your product or service, creating appealing content, and strategic thinking, to name a few.

#2: More Opportunities for Your Business to Grow

According to a study by ProProfs, 79% said they prefer Live Chat because they get their questions answered quickly, 51% did so because they could multitask, and 46% agreed it was the most efficient communication method.

The best Live Chat software lets you automate your customer support process and delight your customers. By assisting your website visitors quickly upon reaching your business website, you improve the chances of further spreading the word about your brand. Your business will grow quicker if you can engage customers instantly even while interacting with large traffic.

#3: Monitor Your Business Performance

Marketing automation offers new ways to keep track of your business KPIs and data. On one hand, machine learning and AI-based technologies allow you to get more accurate and comprehensive reports of your current performance. On the other hand, using your previous available data, you can anticipate future marketing and consumer behaviour.

How to Improve Customer Data Generation Process

It’s not enough just to connect marketing automation with Live Chat to enjoy the benefits stated above. To fully enjoy the perks of these two concoctions, you have to first understand how it works and then modify its settings.

Let’s look at how it works and what actions you should take when automatically qualifying data.

  1. Use Live Chat to interact and gather contact details from visitors that land on your business website. With Live Chat, you can effectively gather relevant and useful data that helps your business and personalise the individual customer experience.
  2. Set up qualifying criteria on your Live Chat automation to quickly turn leads to customers. Always discuss what information your sales team would need to convince users to make a successful purchase when determining what data to gather and what criteria to employ. Don’t bombard your prospects with too many questions. Ask only the relevant questions to close the deal.
  3. To speed up the lead generation process, rely on your automated lead assignment. Based on their feedback, you can immediately send your leads to the specific teams that will handle that particular kind of feedback. For example, if you’re qualifying leads based on the region, you can redirect them to the department in charge of that region automatically.
  4. With Live Chat automation and proactive engagement, you can figure out which pages your customers visit frequently and which pages have more interactions. This way, you can connect qualified leads to your sales department instantly. Also, you can use this data to automatically show your message exclusively to specific target groups that will be more likely to engage and respond to them.
  5. To improve Marketing Automation integrate your CRM application with Live Chat. This integration lets you exchange data between two platforms and improves the organisation of your lead data history. This means that it improves the efficiency of your visitor tracking, lead generation, and follow-up process.

Instantly Capture Leads and Qualify with Live Chat and Marketing Automation

Capturing sales-qualified lead data is a difficult process, therefore, you should understand how to use Live Chat automation effectively.

Fortunately, while just 27% of businesses find marketing automation with customer service challenging to implement, 53% believe it is the most effective approach. (Source: emailmonday)

So, when it comes to gathering sales qualified data, you should explore several different options to get the most out of your Live Chat automation. The most important thing is to set up relevant criteria for qualification. Only then will you be able to get the most out of the automation process you’ve put in place to boost your business outcomes.


Chat Metrics and Marketing Automation

Chat Metrics and Marketing Automation work hand-in-hand. We make lead generation and qualification easier for your, so you focus on the most important aspect of your business. Integrating your favourite CRM application with Chat Metrics opens endless possibilities.

You can tailor custom messages on different platforms or segments of your audience, gather all chat history, and more. Chat Metrics automatically adds the leads to the contact timeline. This is ideal for keeping your data structured and accessible to your complete team in one place.

Chat Metrics supports 1000+ integrations with your favourite CRM applications. So you don’t have to keep worried about missing leads.

Don’t know where to begin? Click here to learn more about our proactive lead generation service.

Sign-up for free to see how Chat Metrics is a surefire way to generate leads.

Picture of By : Terry Wilson
By : Terry Wilson

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