Online Is Where Business Is At – Are You Making The Most Out Of It?

The internet has essentially become a part of our lives. So much so that it has become the go-to option for customers to interact with businesses.

It should come as no surprise, how you manage your website can have a significant impact on your online sales and revenue.

Let’s look at how much does a website increase sales?

According to a study by Pew Research Center, 90% of the adult US population has access to the internet.

And there has been a significant increase in online purchases too. According to Digital Commerce 360, the US e-commerce penetration rate reached new heights of 21.3% in 2020, up from 14.3% in 2018.

So, when you think about everything that is happening around the world, having a website becomes a necessity for businesses in the future.

Online Presence Opens Up New Sales Opportunities

Because of the needs of modern customers, having a website has become a norm. It’s tough to establish the trust you need to run a successful business if you don’t have one.

However, this does not mean that your website is only for show. It can add a lot of value to your business, particularly if you don’t use traditional sales tactics like cold calling or outbound marketing.

By having a website for your business, you can effectively increase your sales. Consider the following to understand why that is:

  • Reach potential customers

how to reach potential customersThe number of potential customers available will always be a constraint. The customer pool is limited if you just operate locally from a physical location. Whereas a website can link you to anyone with internet access anywhere in the world.

  • Provide 24/7 sales and support

24 7 sales supportTraditional sales, marketing, and support efforts are limited by operating hours. However, with a website, you can provide your customers access 24/7. If they have a sudden impulse to buy one of your products at 4 a.m., there is nothing that can stop them. Customers can also use FAQs, Live Chat, and knowledge bases to get answers to a variety of questions without having to go through the hassle of calling customer support, waiting on hold, and so on. Customers can get information on a website when they require it.

  • Create an information hub

create a information hub for your startupWhere can potential customers go to learn more about your business or product? The ideal point of contact and research is your website. Customers are often directed to a website via online marketing efforts to learn more about a brand, product, or service. Even with traditional outbound marketing, customers will most likely look up a brand online if it interests them. When you don’t have a website, customers will have nowhere to go and you will miss out on an opportunity to connect with them further.

At the end of the day, a website is essentially another always-on sales channel that significantly increases your revenue and lead generation potential. However, just because you’ve got a website doesn’t mean you’ll be successful.

So, how to create a website that is successful?

  • Remember web design

remember web designHaving an outdated or clunky website will definitely hurt your business. Customers won’t trust your business and will just bounce to a competitor.

A great website design is a massive asset. Many customers use this as a barometer of whether you’re trustworthy. It also keeps your visitors engaged.

According to Forbes, 38% of people will quit a website if they find it unattractive.

A website with good design not only draws visitors in but makes it functional and easier to use. So, creating a clean and modern website can improve your credibility, engage more visitors, and increase online sales.

  • SEO is the key

When it comes to a website, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the most important factors to consider. If you want to establish your website and increase your online traffic, you’ll need to employ SEO effectively.

SEO is essential since organic traffic costs the same whether you have 1 or a million visitors, unlike advertising that makes up a substantial chunk of search results.

So, how much can a website increase sales?

As we’ve discussed above, a website is an integral part of modern business that can drive sales and revenue. But how much exactly?

The answer is simple: It all comes down to the efforts and strategies you employ to generate leads and sales from your website.

Let’s look at four key strategies to get the most out of your website, increase conversion rates and online sales.

  • Website optimization

optimise your website for successWith the ever-increasing popularity of mobile devices, your website must be compatible with not only PCs but also mobile devices. As mobile devices have become a popular way for people to access the internet, almost 60% of all online searches today are carried out on a mobile device.

It’s essential to optimize your website for different platforms such as mobile and have a user-friendly design. This makes navigation, viewing, and filling forms easy, and improves the user experience.

  • Customer journey

customer-journey-mapThe goal is to make the customer’s experience as seamless and frictionless as possible. Be it as simple as aligning your marketing efforts with your landing pages. Maintaining consistency across your website is important, as it creates a more positive user experience. The checkout process is perhaps the most crucial factor. Nearly 70% of shopping carts are abandoned, so eliminate any unnecessary barriers like adding too many steps into the buying process, adding too many form fields, or not being transparent about upfront costs.

  • Testimonials and case studies

get customer testimonials and case studiesWe already discussed the importance of website design in establishing trust. But social proof — a psychological phenomenon in which individuals are influenced by the actions of others is another way to gain trust.

Using social proof entails informing visitors about what other customers think and feel about your business. In a B2B setting, case studies are very valuable, and adding input from satisfied customers, whether directly from them or by repurposing testimonial videos and review site comments and ratings, can be highly effective.

  • Conversation as a Service (CaaS)

conversation as a service - CaaSDo you know the guaranteed way to get more sales on your website?

Conversation as a Service!

Failure to engage website visitors is a sure way to lose potential customers and revenue. Having conversations with your website visitors providing information and reassurance is important to remove any uncertainties. Potential clients will simply bounce and this number will only increase if you don’t provide that support. Today, having a knowledge base, or a FAQ page is not enough. Customers demand a more interactive and engaging way.

Conversation as a Service provides that human touch, adding an extra dimension to the support you provide. With CaaS you can personalize the customer experience on the website. A friendly conversation during the purchasing process could be the difference between a customer purchasing or leaving dissatisfied.

And remember your focus should always be on your customer.

Your website is there to only serve your customers. Always keep the focus on the customer, no matter what action you take. It’s all too easy to get caught up in making a cool-looking website that ends up being a pain to browse and use.

Ask yourself, “Will this making my life easier?” Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. A perfectly balanced website with good design and functionality is the sure way to get the most out of your website and increase your sales and revenue.

Picture of By : Terry Wilson
By : Terry Wilson

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